
For a while now, I've been thinking of finding some sort of way to express a lot of the, for lack of better words, less admirable traits of mine. I avoid talking about them on my regular accounts as 1) I want to avoid hate and 2) it is not the reason why people follow me in the first place.

I have thought about making private social media accounts for this purpose, but I don't know a single place where I could do that and still have some friends read it. I have then decided to just make a website for that. Luna V3.

What does Luna V3 mean anyway? Luna is meant to represent the night and my femininity. It is sort of meant to compliment my sort of "day" personality as a creative internet person who isn't (at least in an obvious way) transfem or autistic. V3 originates from a discord account I made and is meant to be "version 3" in a way you would call a third version of software. There's a guy running a account in a public discord server who acts as a sort of human-like bot with an odd liking for potatoes. The account was meant to play alongside it, but then I realized that I can actually use the account for do the aforementioned thing of expressing my "less admirable traits" and probably get long term use out of it.

I know people will ask "Why don't you just come out as trans/autistic on your main?" so I am going to respond to it here.

Self-doubt? Fear of response? Idk. I know there isn't a major risk doing so, but I want to keep myself safe should I ever blow up in popularity (like that will ever happen...). There's also no reason for my main account following to know. As I see it, they aren't there for the person as much as they are there for the person's normal content, which could be something completely unrelated to their life. I know this is probably wrong for a majority of you guys, but this is usually what I want when I follow people.

It is not like there's nobody out there that knows btw. I am out as trans to several people irl and I have been officially diagnosed as autistic for a long time.

So yeah. Luna V3 is a going to be a thing. And before you ask, no I will NOT reveal what my main account is as that defeats the purpose of this entire blog. I trust that anyone who does know my main account(s) to please refrain from actually discussing the two as one. Thank you for understanding... or not idk.

Tomorrow, I will set up email and a discord sever for the purpose of contact. At some point, I might make an rss feed too.