
I was thinking about skipping this week's post, but I remembered that next week, I can't make a post. Needless to say, I am forcing myself to make a post this week so I can skip next week's post.

I will provide an update to previous topics since I spent this week only playing games or working on main account stuff.

In worrying future, I struggled between choosing two options for myself. Today, I have decided I will be focusing on the former (restructuring my approach) so I only take what I will genuinely care about. There's a name for this type of thing, but idk if it is a common name or not. I'll just call it Luna V3 thing.

In other news, I haven't done much to improve myself, but I have taken a breather and relaxed a little in the past week.

In a trap, I discussed being "trapped" in education (and I guess in site discovery despite not covering this). I still feel this way. Maybe I do need to improve myself.

In fast food, I kind of talked about the title subject. I should mention that I have not eaten at Rally's since... I don't miss it that much. I should also mention that Stacy hasn't been too present since, although she still comes up in my mind without doing anything of note.

I titled this saturday posts because I have no idea what I was going to write about this week. It just happens I guess. I could talk about what happened today, but most of what I did was play games, watch youtube, and come here to write a post. Now that I think about it, I don't (actively) follow a lot of trans creators on youtube or anywhere outside of social media (and neocities?) who aren't my friends. I guess this is similar to my game tastes in which what I am interested in happens to not be the greatest place to look for those types of people (although I think have watched more trans youtubers unknowingly than played video games with lgbtq+ characters unknowingly).

On that note, idk I guess will see you all on July 6th when I return. Maybe the day after since I suck at being on time with these things