
New leaf is a saying that could mean a turning point. A new direction. This month is basically where that'll happen.

I have restructured my apporoach to college and will be returning this month. I actually never left, but I haven't really talked about it for a while so now's the best chance.

More importantly, I've decided that I will be coming out/have come out as trans on my main. This is mainly because I have figured that it isn't benefitting me at all nor will having it be mentioned very sparingly. So I will be openly (kinda) trans going forward.

This website will remain since I don't plan on being openly autistic, as well as just having a place wher I can put my own personal thoughts outside of my creative endeavors.

In other news, my influence is growing. My friend decided to make a blog too because of me, which led to their friend to make one too. Similar format in terms of content, minus the anonymity since they are way more open about things than I am. Good for them.