
First week back went fine. There weren't any major issues other me being extremely tired sometimes. I wasn't misgendered by staff this week, but that was because I didn't interact with much of them.

I didn't start doing anything with voice training this week. My mind was on college instead, despite having some free time to put it in somewhere.

That's kind of why, as per usual, this post is a day late. My mind just goes to college because it is still important to me and one of my top priorities. I still feel regret not really going all in like I wanted to several years ago, especially with the amount of work I still need to put in after reconsidering, but there likely wouldn't have been much of a choice either.

The next few weeks, I'll probably won't have much or anything to write about. My next idea of another long form post like the last one is related to Halloween which is in 2 months from now. Unless I get a random idea between now and Halloween, this is the most I'll be writing in terms of word counts/topics.

I always found my life to be quite uneventful sometimes though that maybe there wasn't a lot to write about to begin with. Not like that's a bad way to live.